Monthly Archives: May 2012

Man Away

My husband works on the road quite a bit.  And while I wish he were home I find that I get more work done while he’s out.  I don’t have to worry as much about dinner (hot dogs are fine with the kids), and the laundry can get piled a little higher than usual.  Also the sexual tension in the pieces I’m working on seem to go better when I’m missing him.

But there’s some very interesting things I’ve noticed when he is home.  Like how a gallon of milk and boxes of cereal suddenly disappear.  There are three times as many dishes.  And a bar of soap only lasts a week!

As I was in awe over these occurrences I realized, these are the little things I could work into a story.   After all, it’s the little things that bring a character and background surroundings to life.  (And I always need to work on my surrounding description.)

What little things does your significant other do that may seem annoying, but could be endearing?  Next time my hubby comes home I might have to make a list.

Yup, stalker-ish creepy wife here >:)  Hope he doesn’t mind!


Filed under Flow of Life, The Writing World

New Ideas In E-Books

I belong to two writer’s groups.  Both often represent their authors at conventions, conferences and fairs.  I love to walk by and see my friends books on the table.  However, that’s not the case with many other authors in the groups.  Their books can’t be represented at these venues because they’re e-published only.  And I will soon be one of these authors.

I know that one day I will come out in print, but the excitement of my first book makes me want to get it out there.  And a convention or fair that has thousands of people walking by is a frustrating thing to be barred from.

So, I was wondering if there were any post cards, coverflats, promo-anything out there that could represent my book on such occasions.  I’d like to have a code printed on the promo-item that could be bought and redeemed for my specific book.  But, I couldn’t find any info about something like that in cyberspace.  So I emailed my publisher about it, and boy, am I glad I did.  She was interested, too.

We’ll have to wait and see if this works.  There will have to be trial cases and such to see if it’s worth it.  But if it does I’ll be thrilled, and I hope my other e-pubbed colleagues can join in on the events table, too!


Filed under The Writing World

Self Promo

I remember back-in-the-day when being an author ment you hand over your book, they (the publishers) give you money, they wave their magic wand and your books would sell, sell, sell.  Well, I don’t know if that world ever actually existed outside my own mind, but things just aren’t like that anymore.  It seems every author needs to do self promo these days.  My publisher mentioned it’s because of all the books out there now.  With new publishing avenues such as self pub, vanity publishing, traditional and epub, there are just so many books of every genre out there.

So, my job as an author is to try and stand out.  And let me tell you, it feels pretty overwhelming.  But in the last two weeks I’ve gotten the website going, re-vamped the blog and gotten my author facebook page up.  Now I just need to stand on a really tall box and shout out to passers by “Like Me!”  Anyway, here’s the new page.  I won’t shout at you, though. Just place this little non-intrusive link at the bottom of the post and hope you visit.  Thanks!

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Filed under Fiction, Flow of Life, The Writing World

The New Look

Thanks for stopping by.  I have just a few more months, if everything stays on track, before my first book will be released. But, there are more irons in the fire, and I hope to keep the momentum going.  But first I need to START things going.  One of the things I need to do is get business cards printed.  But, I couldn’t do that without a website.  And a new email to match.  Next will be the Facebook fan page 🙂  Then business cards!

Now, I have this new website, which will change as covers come out and books are released.  I hope to be adding more pages soon.  Until then friends, have a great weekend.

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Filed under Flow of Life, The Writing World