Monthly Archives: September 2022

I Love My Fans!

I received a letter from a fan that had dug though some pretty dusty archives and found one of my fan fictions. I don’t write fan-fiction much these days, and they were encouraging me to try again. I was very happy they liked my work.

To be honest, I wrote my fan-fiction at the request of some friends. They loved an anime called Hetalia. But, they wanted romance, and asked if I could do it. Well, of course I’m going to try!

I often get to the end of a season of a show, or the end of a book and wonder if there will be more. And if there is more, what path will it take? I’ve certainly watched a second season, or second book, and didn’t like where they were going with it, and wanted to write it myself. Many times.

I’m guilty of doing so, myself. I wrote a continuation to a book, and no one like the path I was taking the character down. I was so very grateful for my beta readers comments, and I decided to let that story rest where it was, with a happy ending.

As I said, that fan made me look at a form of writing that had gotten lost by the wayside. Maybe I should dust those ideas off, and try a new fan-fiction? It’s always good to see how you may have grown!

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